Each URL in this list points to a show file. The name of each show is derived from the name of the show file (specifically by unencoding %xx's and by removing the ".sshow" part). The "link text" part of each HREF is ignored.
Advanced readers
A Child's Garden of Verses
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
Blue Beard
Boston Tea Party
Buddy Jim
Children Stories
David Copperfield
Editha's Burglar
Fairy Tales of All Nations
Frontier Days
Grimm's Fairy Tales
Jeanne d'Arc
Joan of Arc (Abridged edition)
Joan of Arc
Jungle Babies
La Civilit�
Little Mr. Thimblefinger and His Queer Country
Max und Moritz
Mother Fairy-Tales
New Adventures of Alice
Otto of the Silver Hand
Philip of Texas
Pirates and Great Sea Rovers
Ska-Denge (Beaver for Revenge)
Tales from the Crescent Moon
The Adventures of Mr. Mocker
The Early Sea People
The Flying Carpet
The Grammatic Reader vol. II
The Hollow Tree Snowed-In Book
The Horkey
The King of the Golden River
The Little Fairy Sister
The May Blossom
The Princess of Cozytown
The Skating Gander
The Story of Sir Launcelot and his Companions
The White Company
Zodiac Town
Intermediate readers
A History of Animals
Adventures of Sonny Bear
Aunt Louisa's Child's Delight
Beauty and the Beast and Other Stories
Belle River Friends in Wings and Feathers
Beppo the Donkey
Billy Whiskers
Bitty and the Bears
Children of the Wigwam
Coco the Goat
De Avonturen Van Klienen Piet
Fairy Tales for Little People
Father Bunny and his Birds
Grampa In Oz
Grasshopper Green and the Meadow Mice
How Freckle Frog Made Herself Pretty
How Punky Dunk Helped Old Prince
How Sing Found the World is Round
Kate Greenaway's Book of Games
Little Babs
Little Bear and his Friends
Little Jack Rabbit and Danny Fox
Little Slam Bang
London Town
Loraine and the Little People
Marigold Garden
Miss Muffet's Christmas Party
Mother Nature's Cheerful Children
Mother's Story Book
My Dobbin
My Very Own Fairy Stories
Nixie Bunny in Manners-Land
Old Glory
Peeps the Really Truly Sunshine Fairy
Pepper & Salt
Puss in Boots
Really So Stories
Rinkitink In Oz
Robin Hood
Robinson Crusoe
Short History of Discovery
Something to Find
Stubbington Manor
Sunny Crest Farmyard
The Brave Tin Soldier
The Doings of Bobby and Betty
The First Circus
The Ladder of Rickety Rungs
The Little Black and White Lamb
The Little Lame Prince
The Little Red Balloon
The Pied Piper of Hamelin 2
The Pied Piper of Hamelin
The Story Book of Coal
The Story Book of Houses
The Tale of Ferdinand Frog
The Tale of Henrietta Hen
The Tale of Nimble Deer
The Traveling Bears Across the Sea
The Woodcutter's Son
Twinkle and Chubbins
Why the Chimes Rang
Winkle, Twinkle and Lollypop